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Upskilling featured image

Upskilling: Leverage this retention strategy and develop your team

Upskilling employees is crucial for modern companies. One study found that 64% of L&D professionals agree that learning and development have shifted from “nice-to-have” to “need-to-have.”[1] Providing development opportunities to your people improves job satisfaction and increases retention – employees want career growth, and if they don’t get it, they’ll find someplace new. Two of the main factors that keep people in their roles are learning new skills and professional growth.[2] Upskilling als

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32 remote work best practices for a productive and thriving workforce

If hiring remote employees and working with a remote team is new to you, you must quickly adapt to the challenge to ensure business continuity and employee satisfaction. In this article, we will briefly discuss the challenges of remote work but go into detail regarding best practices for remote work that HR teams and employers can use to support their organizations.  After reading this guide, you will feel more confident managing remote work and ensuring every employee has what they need to succ

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7 immigration law updates your company can't afford to miss featured image

7 immigration law updates your company can't afford to miss

Hiring immigrants and foreign workers is a great way to tap into broader, more diverse talent pools. However, if you employ overseas workers, staying on top of immigration law updates is essential. Failing to comply with US immigration laws can land you in hot water, leading to hefty fines or even criminal prosecution.  Immigration laws and policies constantly change, and keeping track of your evolving obligations can feel overwhelming. You may even be reluctant to hire immigrants or foreign wor

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What is a stay interview and how to do one successfully featured image

Stay interviews: Leverage this retention strategy and reduce turnover

Like many other HR professionals, you may use exit interviews to figure out why some employees leave your company. However, exit interviews may not give you enough information to help formulate a talent retention strategy because exiting employees have no stake in your business.  Turnover is an ongoing trend that probably isn’t slowing down anytime soon — more than 50 million workers left their jobs in 2022, leading to economists dubbing it “The Great Resignation.”[1]  One method for retaining v

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Generational diversity featured image

Generational diversity: Leverage this retention strategy and build an inclusive workforce

Business metrics often overlook age-related diversity. Generational diversity, which refers to workers of all ages being involved in today’s workforce, combats age discrimination and is good for your organization. One study found that 86% of workers prefer working on a multigenerational team, and 86% also said multigenerational teams enable them to develop innovative ideas and products.[1] Having multiple generations in your workforce makes your company more diverse, inclusive, and attractive, m

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Setting boundaries at work: Build a healthier company culture featured image

Setting boundaries at work: Build a healthier company culture

Picture this scenario. You get home after working late. It’s dark outside. You skipped your workout because you’re tired from the day, and when you pick up your phone, you see a text from your boss that starts with “URGENT.”  You open your laptop and wonder how long you can last at this job.  Nobody wants to be that employee or that boss. But without boundaries at work, this situation can happen repeatedly.  As an individual, it means honing your time management skills and learning to say “no.”

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Employee experience featured image

Employee experience: Leverage this retention strategy and support your workers

Employee experience is the interactions, practices, and workspace that workers encounter at their jobs throughout the employee journey – from attraction to departure. This experience is crucial to workers. They want their jobs to be inclusive environments with learning opportunities and fair compensation. This creates a healthy environment where people want to come to work. A great employee experience boosts key metrics like employee motivation, performance, and profitability. This experience is

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What is voluntary turnover and how to prevent it featured image

What is voluntary turnover and how to prevent it

An employee choosing to leave your organization can be a bit like being dumped. Sometimes you see it coming and even consider it a mutual decision; other times, it’s painful and hard to recover from. Reducing voluntary turnover and especially minimizing the latter scenario is one of the most important HR management skills. That’s why in this blog, we show you how to reduce voluntary turnover in your business, equipping you with 35 employee retention strategies, trends, and tips to tackle it. We

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HR technology shaping the present and future of hr functions featured image

HR technology: Shaping the present and future of HR functions

Managing technology is becoming a fundamental HR skill. Already, more than eight out of ten HR leaders use artificial intelligence (AI) to boost efficiency in their organizations.[1] But with so many types of HR technology out there, how do you know what’s relevant to your organization and how to use it to meet your top objectives?  This article discusses different HR technologies and their uses to help you discover the best HR technology for your business. We also cover the current HR technolog

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Employee listening featured image

Employee listening: Leverage this retention trend and foster a positive work culture

According to a Gallup survey, only 32% of employees are engaged with their work.[1] Younger workers under 35, in particular, are feeling less heard and less cared about by their employers, a factor contributing to disengagement, low morale, and high turnover rates.[2] This leads to a fundamental disconnect: The voices that drive your business are often the least listened to. Enter employee listening – a talent retention trend that involves actively seeking, understanding, and acting on the feedb

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HR Analytics featured image

HR analytics: Leverage this retention strategy and make informed decisions

One of the biggest issues facing HR professionals is acquiring data they can use to make informed decisions when hiring, onboarding, and retaining employees.  Data from SHRM shows it costs an average of nearly $4,700 to hire a new employee.[1] This number includes recruitment, pre-employment testing, onboarding, training, human error, lost knowledge, and a drop in morale.  If you’re going to spend this much money hiring an employee, it’s important that you do your part to retain them.  HR analyt

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The ultimate guide to office politics for employees and HR professionals featured image

The ultimate guide to office politics for employees and HR professionals

No matter where you are, everybody has wants and needs, whether they be professional growth or social validation. Often, the desires of one person come into conflict with the desires of others, creating a complex web of motives and social formations. Office politics, or the interplay between employees’ personal agendas, is an unavoidable reality in the workplace. Workplace politics can motivate and unite people, but it typically leads to a conflict of interests that creates more negative effects

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