How to hire Django developers

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Django developers use the Python web framework, Django, for designing, developing, and maintaining web-based software. They write code that interacts with servers, databases, and applications, delivering an exceptional user experience for your website visitors.

A proficient Django developer can be a great asset to your web application development, ensuring efficient, scalable, and secure websites. These experts can elevate your projects with their specialized skills. However, hiring the wrong developer with a poor understanding of Django can lead to missed deadlines, increased costs, and security risks.

This article will guide you through the key steps and factors to consider, helping you make well-informed decisions in your Django developer hiring process.

What do you need to know before hiring a Django developer? 

There are some pre-hiring preparations you can make that will significantly increase your chance of securing the right talent.

Understand Django

Before searching for a Django developer, make sure you have some understanding of Django and its unique uses in your project to pinpoint the exact skills you’re looking for. 

Learn more about Django-specific functionalities, such as its object-relational mapper, URL routing, and template engine. For an introduction to Django, the LearnDjango website is a great free resource.

Consider the Django-specific experience you need

For simple Django sites, such as a basic blog or a small business website, a junior developer might suffice. However, complex Django applications requiring custom management commands or third-party integrations require a more seasoned professional.

Choose the right staffing strategy for Django talent

Decide on the best hiring approach for your project needs. Freelancers are great for short-term Django projects, while in-house or remote developers are suitable for ongoing Django development. 

Outsourcing to a specialized web development agency, skilled in Django, can be a way to hire an experienced team for larger projects. However, this approach can be costlier and may lead to communication challenges, especially if the agency is located in a different time zone.

Budgeting with Django market rates in mind

Research what constitutes competitive compensation specifically for Django developers in your area and industry. According to Flexiple, Django developers earn an average of $118,716 per year in the US, with senior developers earning up to $184,000 annually.

Consider offering professional development opportunities as part of your compensation package.

Write a Django-focused job description

Build a job description that highlights the need for Django-specific skills, like experience with the Django REST framework for API development or familiarity with Django’s security features. Avoid generic descriptions so you can attract candidates with the right Django expertise.

Further reading: How to write a Django developer job description

Screening for Django expertise

Your screening process should include Django-specific tasks. This might involve assessing knowledge of its Object-Relational Mapper (ORM), middleware, and template tags. Coding tests should be centered around Django functionalities to gauge expertise accurately.

Onboarding with a focus on Django tools and practices

Ensure your onboarding process introduces new hires to your project’s structure, coding standards, and any Django-specific tools you use. This will help them integrate into the project more quickly.

Skills and qualifications to look for in a Django developer

When hiring Django developers, focus on specific skills and qualifications that ensure they can handle Django development's unique challenges and requirements. 

Here's a list of essential hard and soft skills to consider:

  • Proficiency in Python: Django is a Python-based framework, so developers need a strong grasp of Python, including syntax, standard libraries, and best practices.

  • Expertise in the Django framework: Look for a comprehensive understanding of Django, including its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, ORM, middleware, and templating engine.

  • Knowledge of front-end technologies: Django developers should be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Skills in front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js are valuable.

  • Understanding of databases: The ability to work with databases using structured query language (SQL), database design fundamentals, and Django’s ORM is important.

  • Experience with RESTful APIs and web services: Proficiency in building and using APIs is crucial as Django often builds the backend in web applications.

  • Version control systems: Knowledge of systems like Git is useful for tracking code changes and collaborating with other developers.

  • Knowledge of deployment and testing: Familiarity with deploying Django applications on platforms like Heroku, Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), as well as proven skills in writing and running tests to ensure code quality.

  • Understanding of security principles: A good Django developer should understand web security principles to write secure code and protect applications from threats.

  • Problem-solving skills: Coding is largely about problem-solving. Developers should be able to logically break down obstacles, and systematically work through each part.

  • Communication skills: Effective communication is key in a development team. Developers should be able to convey their ideas and work well with others.

  • Continuous learning: Web development is ever-evolving. Developers should be committed to continuously updating their skills and staying abreast of changes to Django.

Where to find skilled Django developers

Django developers are in demand, so finding skilled candidates can be challenging. To locate these specialized talents, consider the following resources:

  • Job boards: Use tech-focused job boards like Stack Overflow Jobs, Dice, and Indeed. Python-specific boards, such as’s job board, are also valuable.

  • Freelance platforms: Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal can help you find self-employed Django developers.

  • Social networking sites: Use LinkedIn for job postings, direct candidate searches, and recommendations. GitHub is another platform where you can evaluate developers based on their project contributions.

  • Django and Python events: Attending conferences, meetups, and hackathons, such as DjangoCon and PyCon, can connect you with talented developers.

  • Online communities: Engage in communities like Stack Overflow, Reddit, and Django’s official forum to find active developers.

  • Coding boot camps and schools: Many institutions teach Django, making them a good source for recent graduates.

  • Recruitment agencies: Specialized tech recruitment agencies, like Hired, have the resources and expertise to find candidates who fit your needs.

  • Outsourcing companies: Platforms like Clutch provide detailed listings and reviews of outsourcing companies, making it easier to find a reputable firm specializing in Django development.

Five creative ways to find Django developer candidates

If you’re struggling to find suitable Django developers using the above approaches, you may want to take a different stance. Consider some of the novel ideas below:

creative ways to find a django developer graphic
  1. Engage in tech forums and Q&A sites: Participate in online technical forums and Q&A sites like Stack Overflow. Engage with users who provide insightful answers related to Django, and reach out to them.

  2. Sponsor open-source projects: By sponsoring Django-related open-source projects, you can gain visibility among the Django developer community and attract candidates passionate about what they do.

  3. Host coding challenges: Organize Django-specific coding challenges or hackathons. This not only showcases your company but also lets you spot talented developers in action.

  4. Leverage educational partnerships: Partner with universities or coding boot camps that offer Django courses. This can be a pipeline for fresh talent directly from educational institutions.

  5. Use meetup groups: Find enthusiasts and professionals at Django meetup groups. Attend these meetups or even host sessions to network with potential candidates.

How to select the best Django developer candidates

Pre-interview testing offers an effective and unbiased way to hone in on the most suitable applicants you receive for your position. TestGorilla enables you to evaluate candidates' abilities and personality traits with tailored skills assessments that include custom questions. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you choose top Django developer candidates using TestGorilla:

Step 1: Choose relevant technical skills tests

Some of the most popular TestGorilla technical skills tests for Django developers include:

Step 2: Assess soft skills and personality

To evaluate a candidate's fit within your company culture, add some of TestGorilla's personality tests like the Big 5 (OCEAN) and DISC test.

Don't overlook soft skills, either, as they’re important in Django development roles. Tests like the Communication test and Problem Solving test are key to understanding how a candidate will perform in team settings.

Step 3: Add custom questions for your unique business needs

Add custom questions to your assessment, tailoring it to align with your specific business requirements. For example, include Django development scenario-based questions related to your industry.

Step 4: Choose the best candidates

TestGorilla provides detailed reports on each applicant’s performance, combining technical, behavioral, and personality insights. Use this data-driven information to decide who to advance to the interview stage.

Step 5: Perform an interview

Delve deeper with a candidate interview. Use open-ended Django interview questions to enable candidates to discuss their experience and knowledge.

TestGorilla’s one-way video interviews let candidates answer your questions at their convenience. You can review these responses at a time that suits you, making the interview process more flexible and efficient.

Check out our article on assessing Junior Python developers for more guidance. 

Common mistakes when hiring a Django developer

Hiring a Django developer requires a keen eye for both technical prowess and the right fit for your project. Here are five mistakes to avoid:

  1. Undervaluing Django-specific experience: Overlooking a candidate's experience with Django itself can lead to hiring someone proficient in Python but not in Django, affecting project efficiency.

  2. Ignoring soft skills: Focusing solely on technical skills can be a blunder. Soft skills like communication and teamwork are crucial for a collaborative development environment.

  3. Neglecting to assess problem-solving ability: Django development often involves complex problem-solving. Not evaluating this can lead to hiring developers who struggle with unforeseen challenges.

  4. Rushing the hiring process: Not taking the time to assess a candidate adequately can lead to poor hiring choices and wasted resources.

Evaluate your Django developer candidates with TestGorilla

Finding the right Django developer requires a well-structured and thorough hiring process. Begin by clearly defining the role's specific needs and then use a comprehensive assessment strategy that combines technical expertise with interpersonal skills. 

TestGorilla's extensive test library encompasses a wide spectrum of skills essential for Django developers, including Python coding proficiency, database management, and project structuring capabilities.

Ready to discover your ideal Django developer? Start by setting up your free TestGorilla account today.

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